Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vietnam - How the Vietnam War Affected the Culture

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The Vietnam War that occurred in Laos was a military conflict that took place from 1st November 1955 to 30th April, 1975. Following the first Indochina war, this antagonism was characterized by two fighting groups, the South Vietnam's, supported by US and other anticommunist countries, and North Vietnam, featured by communist allies and the republic of China.

Effects of Vietnam War on the Culture and Behavior of People

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Vietnam War
Just like a normal war degrades the emotions, behaviors, habits, economies and the general way of life for many, Vietnam War was not an exemption. Basically, this war was a hinge in Vietnam's culture. This means that the collective confidence of the entire Vietnam population was shattered. However, this doesn't imply that the entire Vietnam culture was wiped-off, it was a perfect cultural transformation. Luckily, this moment was a good stimulator of Vietnam's most valued and greatest art works and designs. The danger and desperation that left both the Southern and Northern communities homeless and desolate led to the creation of works with lasting value and great beauty.

Language was another victim of the war. With American soldiers touring the Southern parts for attack-planning and strategic military design launches, those living there were able to learn some English bits. Before the war, English in Vietnam was not a language of long sentences and stately prone. However with time, prospective Vietnam writers began mastering language and a state of eloquent English balance was attained.

Before the year 1955, Vietnam has been enjoying a state of relative peace during which scientific knowledge took great leaps and bounds. As if this is not enough, cultural prosperity greatly increased. However, all these came at a standstill after both the northern and southern parts broke into hues and cries over the conflict. Although originally the two localities rarely faced immediate cultural degradation and erosion, this came to be prevalent and especially after the war. Basically, the entirety of the war as well as the western civilization jumped into a dangerously cultural new chapter.

The countries involved in Vietnam War were never the same. Things fell apart, a brand new menace of totalitarianism came up from wreckage and a new chapter of technology and scientific innovations came thereafter. The thousands of bodies that were trampled upon the war raised a state of fear, uncertainty and dreadfulness. Indeed, the sheer life loss that all the communist participants experienced in such a limited period of time in history was something never expected, it was something unprecedented.
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Vietnam culture
Up-to-date, both the Northern and Southern parts host feelings of fear and sometimes doubts. Somehow there are losses that each party faced although it wasn't equitably shared. Some parts suffered dramatically than others and even date, it becomes hard for local travelers to venture each others localities, perhaps this stark contrast is what makes forgiveness and complete reconciliation impossible. It is still a dilemma for the Northern and Southern parts to make a reconciliation move as culture, habits and many other way of life traits differ at a greater extent, something that never existed long before the war. And this fear and hesitant move to reconcile form the basis of our fifth cultural disorientation during the Vietnam War.

And anytime within Vietnam, artists, artifacts and other design strongholds are able to imitate the picturesque that prevailed, both during and after the war. This is so as to draw the feelings, memories and sentiments that the beloved left after their lives were shattered from the face of the earth. And anytime in your travel to Vietnam, the diversity of such memories in both museums and cultural attraction sites will only serve to draw heart-wrenching memories of the after war.